SELECT username, session_addr, session_num, sqladdr, sqlhash, sql_id, contents, segtype, extents, blocks FROM v$tempseg_usage ORDER BY username;
Script to display the recent activity
select distinct c.username "user", c.osuser , c.sid, c.serial#, 'alter system kill session ''' || c.sid || ',' || c.serial# || ''' immediate;' kill_session_cmd, b.spid "unix_pid", c.machine, c.program "program", a.blocks * e.block_size/1024/1024 mb_temp_used , a.tablespace, d.sql_text from v$tempseg_usage a, /* v$sort_usage */ v$process b, v$session c, v$sqlarea d, dba_tablespaces e where c.saddr=a.session_addr and b.addr=c.paddr and a.sqladdr=d.address(+) and a.tablespace = e.tablespace_name order by mb_temp_used desc;
TEMP tablespace usage history
A views V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY and DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY include temp_space_allocated field.Script below showing last 7 days top 5 SQLs for each day of temp tablespace consumers:
select t.sample_time, t.sql_id, t.temp_mb, t.temp_diff ,s.sql_text from ( select --session_id,session_serial#, --'alter system kill session ''' || session_id || ',' || session_serial# || ''' immediate;' kill_session_cmd, trunc(sample_time) sample_time,sql_id, sum(temp_mb) temp_mb, sum(temp_diff) temp_diff , row_number() over (partition by trunc(sample_time) order by sum(temp_mb) desc nulls last) as rn from ( select sample_time,session_id,session_serial#,sql_id,temp_space_allocated/1024/1024 temp_mb, temp_space_allocated/1024/1024-lag(temp_space_allocated/1024/1024,1,0) over (order by sample_time) as temp_diff --from dba_hist_active_sess_history from v$active_session_history where 1 = 1 -- session_id=&1 -- and session_serial#=&2 ) group by --session_id,session_serial#, trunc(sample_time), sql_id ) t left join v$sqlarea s on s.sql_id = t.sql_id where 1 = 1 and rn <=5 and sample_time >= trunc(sysdate) - 7 order by sample_time desc, temp_mb descTo release TEMP space usage before shrinking temporary tablespace use:
select distinct session_id,session_serial#, 'alter system kill session ''' || session_id || ',' || session_serial# || ''' immediate;' kill_session_cmd from v$active_session_history where 1 = 1 and sql_id='&3'
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