set linesize 256 col owner for a30 col table_name for a30 col segment_name for a90 col LOB_SECURED for a11 col LOB_COMPRESSION for a15 with t_tab as ( select -- Information about table size t.OWNER, t.TABLE_NAME, t.COMPRESSION as TABLE_COMPRESSION, t.COMPRESS_FOR as TABLE_COMPRESS_FOR from DBA_TABLES t where 1 = 1 and t.TABLE_NAME = NVL(UPPER('&s_table_name'), t.TABLE_NAME) and t.OWNER = NVL(UPPER('&s_owner'), t.OWNER) and t.OWNER not in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'SYSMAN', 'CTXSYS', 'XDB') ) select -- Information about table size t.OWNER, t.TABLE_NAME, t.TABLE_COMPRESSION, t.TABLE_COMPRESS_FOR, ts.SEGMENT_NAME as SEGMENT_NAME, cast(null as varchar2(30)) as LOB_SECURED, cast(null as varchar2(30)) as LOB_COMPRESSION, ROUND(ts.bytes/(1024*1024),2) SPACE_ALOCATED_MB from t_tab t join DBA_SEGMENTS ts on ts.SEGMENT_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME where 1 = 1 union all select -- Information about lob columns size for table t.OWNER, t.TABLE_NAME, t.TABLE_COMPRESSION, t.TABLE_COMPRESS_FOR, ls.segment_type || ' "' || dl.segment_name || '" for table "' || dl.table_name || '"' as SEGMENT_NAME, dl.securefile as LOB_SECURED, dl.compression as LOB_COMPRESSION, ROUND(ls.bytes/(1024*1024),2) SPACE_ALOCATED_MB from t_tab t join DBA_LOBS dl on dl.table_name = t.TABLE_NAME join DBA_SEGMENTS ls on ls.SEGMENT_NAME = dl.segment_name where 1 = 1 union all select -- Information about lob index for lob column t.OWNER, t.TABLE_NAME, t.TABLE_COMPRESSION, t.TABLE_COMPRESS_FOR, lis.segment_type || ' "' || dl.index_name || '" for LOBSEGMENT "' || dl.segment_name || '"' as SEGMENT_NAME, dl.securefile as LOB_SECURED, dl.compression as LOB_COMPRESSION, ROUND(lis.bytes/(1024*1024),2) SPACE_ALOCATED_MB from t_tab t join DBA_LOBS dl on dl.table_name = t.TABLE_NAME join DBA_SEGMENTS lis on lis.SEGMENT_NAME = dl.index_name where 1 = 1 ORDER BY SPACE_ALOCATED_MB desc, OWNER, TABLE_NAME, SEGMENT_NAME ;
четверг, 3 мая 2018 г.
Getting information about table size, lob segment and lob index segment size which belongs to table
пятница, 12 января 2018 г.
Processes and Sessions Utilization
Sessions utilization
SQL> select (100*current_utilization / limit_value) as session_percent from v$resource_limit where resource_name = 'sessions' ;
The limit_value can be checked by:
SQL> show parameter sessions NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ sessions integer 772
Processes utilization
SQL> select (100*current_utilization / limit_value) as process_percent from v$resource_limit where resource_name = 'processes' ;
The limit_value can be checked by:
SQL> show parameter processes NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ processes integer 500
четверг, 11 января 2018 г.
Determine sessions count from machine, username using v$session
set linesize 256 col machine format a50 select machine, username, count(*) cnt FROM v$session WHERE 1 = 1 group by machine, username order by username, cnt desc ;
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------
How to find the SQL statements with hard parses
Find similar SQL statements
1. Find similar SQL statements using gv$open_cursorselect saddr, sid, user_name, address,hash_value,sql_id, sql_text from gv$open_cursor where sid in (select sid from v$open_cursor group by sid having count(*) > &threshold);
Added sql_id and sort by sql_text to find similar sql's
-- -- Added sql_id and sort by sql_text to find similar sql's -- select sql_id, sql_text, count(*) as "OPEN CURSORS", user_name from v$open_cursor group by sql_id, sql_text, user_name order by sql_text desc, count(*) desc;
-- -- Find SQL_FULL_TEXT by SQL_ID -- select s.sql_id, s.sql_fulltext, s.sql_text /*,to_char(substr(s.sql_fulltext, 1, 32767)) as sql_fulltext*/ from v$sql s where s.sql_id = '&s_sql_id'
2. Find similar SQL statements by first 80 characters in SQL_TEXT
SELECT substr(sql_text, 1, 80), COUNT(1) , round(SUM(elapsed_time) / power(10, 6), 3) as total_elapsed_time FROM v$sql WHERE 1 = 1 --and upper(sql_fulltext) not like '%' || 'OPT_DYN_SAMP' || '%' --and upper(sql_fulltext) not like '%' || '/* DS_SVC */' || '%' GROUP BY substr(sql_text, 1, 80) HAVING COUNT(1) > 10 ORDER BY 2 desc
2.1. Find similar SQL statements by first 80 characters in SQL_TEXT which included specified tables:
SELECT substr(s.sql_text, 1, 80), COUNT(1) , round(SUM(elapsed_time) / power(10, 6), 3) as total_elapsed_time FROM v$sql s join ( select owner, object_name from dba_objects where owner = 'SCOTT' and object_type = 'TABLE' and ( object_name like upper('emp%') or object_name like upper('sal%') or object_name in ('TAB1', 'TAB2', 'TAB3') ) ) o on o.owner = s.parsing_schema_name WHERE 1 = 1 and upper(sql_fulltext) like '%' || upper(o.object_name) || '%' and parsing_schema_name = 'SCOTT' --and upper(sql_fulltext) not like '%' || 'OPT_DYN_SAMP' || '%' --and upper(sql_fulltext) not like '%' || '/* DS_SVC */' || '%' GROUP BY substr(s.sql_text, 1, 80) HAVING COUNT(1) > 10 ORDER BY 2 desc
2.3. Find similar SQL statements that have only one execution to see whether they are similar using V$SQLSTATS:
3. Find SQL_FULL_TEXT by first 80 characters of SQL_TEXT
-- -- Find SQL_FULL_TEXT by first 80 characters of SQL_TEXT -- select s.sql_id, round(s.sharable_mem / 1024 / 1024, 2) as sharable_mem, round(s.persistent_mem / 1024 / 1024, 2) as persistent_mem, round(s.runtime_mem / 1024 / 1024, 2) as runtime_mem, substr(sql_text, 1, 80), s.sql_fulltext /*,to_char(substr(s.sql_fulltext, 1, 32767)) as sql_fulltext*/ from v$sql s where s.sql_text like '%' || '&s_sql_text' || '%' order by dbms_lob.getlength(s.sql_fulltext) desc
Find the SQL statements with hard parses
Script copied from forum topic - how to find the SQL statement which have many hard parse and modified for personal needs.If you want to find top sql's with literals, then you can do that with the following script:
-- E. Nossova, Product TuTool : set pagesize 0 set feedback off set verify off set linesize 180 col nline print newline col force_match_sig format 9999999999999999999999999 col pct format 99990.99 /* reports top SQL's with literals from the sqlarea, input parameters: min_first_load_time in ' hh24:mi:ss' format, default: trunc(sysdate) 00:00:00, max_first_load_time in ' hh24:mi:ss' format, default: sysdate, top_n - the number of the top sql's (default: 10) */ define min_first_load_time='&min_first_load_time' define max_first_load_time='&max_first_load_time' define top_n='&top_n' select 'Force Matching Signature='||t.force_match_sig||', Count='||max(t.cnt)||', PCT='||max(t.pct)||'%, Min. Username='||min(s.username)||', Max. Username='||max(s.username)||', Min. First Load Time='||max(min_first_load_time)||', Max. First Load Time='||max(max_first_load_time), max(sql_text) nline from (select u.username, a.force_matching_signature force_match_sig, a.sql_text from v$sql a, dba_users u where a.parsing_user_id = u.user_id and to_date(a.first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss') between to_date(nvl('&min_first_load_time',to_char(trunc(sysdate) /*- 1/24*/,' hh24:mi:ss')), ' hh24:mi:ss') and to_date(nvl('&max_first_load_time',to_char(sysdate,' hh24:mi:ss')), ' hh24:mi:ss') and a.force_matching_signature != 0 and a.exact_matching_signature != 0 and a.force_matching_signature != a.exact_matching_signature ) s, (select * from (select force_matching_signature force_match_sig, count(*) cnt, min(first_load_time) min_first_load_time, max(first_load_time) max_first_load_time, round((ratio_to_report(count(*)) over ())*100, 2) pct from v$sql where to_date(first_load_time,'yyyy-mm-dd/hh24:mi:ss') between to_date(nvl('&min_first_load_time',to_char(trunc(sysdate) /*- 1/24*/,' hh24:mi:ss')), ' hh24:mi:ss') and to_date(nvl('&max_first_load_time',to_char(sysdate,' hh24:mi:ss')), ' hh24:mi:ss') and force_matching_signature != 0 and exact_matching_signature != 0 and force_matching_signature != exact_matching_signature -- Excluded from report SQL Tuning statements and upper(sql_fulltext) not like '%' || 'OPT_DYN_SAMP' || '%' and upper(sql_fulltext) not like '%' || '/* DS_SVC */' || '%' group by force_matching_signature order by 2 desc ) where rownum <= nvl(abs('&top_n'),10)) t where s.force_match_sig = t.force_match_sig group by t.force_match_sig order by max(t.cnt) desc / undefine min_first_load_time undefine max_first_load_time undefine top_n set feedback on set verify on set linesize 80
Input substitution variables:
/* reports top SQL's with literals from the sqlarea, input parameters: min_first_load_time in ' hh24:mi:ss' format, default: trunc(sysdate) 00:00:00, max_first_load_time in ' hh24:mi:ss' format, default: sysdate, top_n - the number of the top sql's (default: 10) */ Enter value for min_first_load_time: 11.01.2018 00:00:00 Enter value for max_first_load_time: 11.01.2018 23:59:59 Enter value for top_n: 10
Force Matching Signature=15954354564733902021, Count=317, PCT=14.43%, Min. Username=SCOTT, Max. Username=SCOTT, Min. First Load Time=2018-01-11/01:00:04, Max. First Load Ti me=2018-01-11/09:00:14 select count(*) from user_sequences where upper(sequence_name) = upper('SQz6zSqA41Lx0AAAE7MhJ30bj4') ...
Get all sql_id versions of matching SQLs by "Force Matching Signature":
set pagesize 0 set feedback on set verify on select s.sql_id, s.sql_fulltext, s.sql_text, s.sharable_mem, s.persistent_mem, s.runtime_mem from v$sql s where s.force_matching_signature = '&force_matching_signature' order by dbms_lob.getlength(s.sql_fulltext) desc;
Input substitution variables:
Enter value for force_matching_signature: 15954354564733902021
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